Associate Professor at the Technical University of Valencia (UPV) and former Scientific Project Officer at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Part of VRAIN, ELP and DMIP Team. Director of the Master in Big Data Analytics at the UPV. Teaching in the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering (UPV), Interactive Technologies (EPSG), Master’s Degree in Informatics Engineering (UPV), Master’s in Business Administration and Digital Transformation (UPV), and the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence Research (UIMP). I received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science (2009), M.Sc. degree in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems (2010), a Post-Graduate Diploma in Engineering Business Management (2011) and a Ph.D in Computer Science (2016) from UPV. The evaluation and measurement of intelligent systems is, among other more applied research topics, the main scientific-technical objective of my research agenda.

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